Saturday, June 17, 2006

Bare butt of woman writer stirs readers up

First of all, I think we can all agree on the utter vapidity of the headline. (In case you're wondering, I cite the illustrious China Daily.)

Posting pictures of her naked buttocks and back alongside a copy of her romantic novel, Qin, who claims to be the Chinese Kafka, has brought about some strong reactions from online critics, who either love her, or hate her.

Flaunting her works as pure and profound, Qin believes that she and Kafka "have so much in common. I just feel the urge to let flow my deep-rooted joy and freedom. Nothing can stop us from loving." She does not elaborate on how she is similar to the Czech writer who is famous for his political commentary and elusory style.

"She can't say how she's like Kafka at all. He was a great writer and had nothing to do with nude ass," one post reads. "Qin just wants to make a name for herself by stripping."

But the question remains: What would Franz think?


  1. At least it's a nice butt. :)

  2. Yeah...but she's no Kafka!

  3. Communist existensialist pretensious booty. What's not to like?

    That said, if Kafka were alive today, he'd be writing anthropomorphic insect porn anyway.

  4. Ack! Pretentious, I meant.

  5. Nice ass... but not as nice as Kafka's.
