Friday, June 16, 2006

Gerald T. (of Mars Relay Station infamy) is, if not my soul-brother, then at least competing for the title.

A Smiths lyric somes to mind -- doesn't one always?:

"And if I seem a little strange, well, that's because I am."


  1. "Intellectual extremophile." Wouldn't *that* look good on a book jacket! :-)

  2. Thank you Mac. I have just seen this. Shared it with Facebook group Exclusive Mars Images. I will never forget you again.

  3. Sorry I lost touch Mac. Never got to see this wonderful post. You see at about this time, 2006, I went thru a nasty divorce, then crazy love, then an super sweet woman that died of a heart attack, then three years of grief. When I reemerged on the other side of the eye of chaos and picked up my space anomaly prospecting kit again I found out you had died. So here we are in this brief transitory state where I can type a message to you, and then have to wait momentarily until I die to receive a replay. Right now we are about to have a nuclear war with Korea, spectral tea this afternoon work for you? And yet I still live Mac, its relentless this life pop bubble. If not for coffee and nicotine and throwing a rock at the rabbit in the driveway in the morning... But mourning you is not easy, because your transition was so effortless. He said that he preferred dreaming, and then he stayed dreaming. Mac it is time to get up! I want to chat some more! I promise not to forget you again.


    Call me morbid, call me pale
    I've spent six years on your trail
    Six long years
    On your trail

  5. Back again Mac. I figured out what happened. Will met up for tea soon. Things are in full flux over here, Rainbow Squirrels if you can believe it. Wont be much longer...
