Wednesday, July 12, 2006

From a good-spirited profile at Ray's X-Blog:

Mac Tonnies lives (or did live) in the suburbs of Kansas City, Missouri. He hates the suburbs there.

An understatement, of course.

And it appears Ray has read my first book, a skimpy (and best forgotten) short-story collection called "Illumined Black":

One story that intrigues me is punishment by virtual reality: a criminal serves his sentence within his mind, five seconds passing as 500 years.

Actually, I kind of like that one too.


  1. Now when you say "within his mind" do you mean in a simulated cell with simulated bars, sense-dep or some kind of allegorical romp thru his/her psyche?

  2. Mac:

    Sorry if I gave you the impression that I had read Illumined Black. What I know about your books is through reviews and descriptions I found on the Web. That's why I said I was "intrigued" by the story; it's one I would like to read.

    I have three problems in regards to books:

    1] This small apartment is piled up with them. If I don't stop, the books will force me out into the street. Someday I have to weed out my massive mass of materials and give them new homes -- or make them homeless before they do it to me. I'm trying to control my book habit by reading library books. (They only visit; they don't stay.)

    2] Budget. I've accumulated so many books because they were free or cheap (library book sales).

    3] As much as I enjoy reading, I only have so much time for all my interests, including photography, writing, and talking to human beings now and then. [G]

    I did try to get a copy of After The Martain Apocalypse
    through interlibrary loan, but the library is in the hinterlands and so...

    Your profile was a way for me to get a "handle" on your background and interests. Like a reporter who preps for an interview, I was just gathering general facts.



  3. Razor--

    The latter.


    You didn't read it? I'm *so* relieved!
