Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hey -- The Anomalist is hiring!

After many years of dedicated service, Richard Hendricks, the daily news editor of The Anomalist, is stepping down. Would you like to become the next Matt Drudge of this weird world? Want to contribute to what people are calling "the best strange news site on the internet"? Are you willing to search all corners of the web for stories on the unknown, the unexplained, and the unexpected? Does being the first one to know about a frog fall in India make your day? Do you have a passion for such strangeness? Are you internet savvy and not put off by the terms html and ftp? Would you like your work to be read by thousands of people every day? Then step up and volunteer! (There are benefits, of course.)

I'd go for it, but my Internet time is already spoken for.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mac, thanks for the heads-up, wish I'd spotted it earlier - I dropped them a line on the off chance, but not very hopeful, they must have been deluged with applications!

    Also, glad to see you and your cats escaped your suburban nightmare, and hope your new place works out well...
