Saturday, August 05, 2006

I got my hair cut today. To my great relief and wonderment, the woman who cut my hair refrained from engaging me in conversation; it's amazing how peaceful a haircut can be spared the usual banter.

I'd like to live in a society where, at least once a week, no one spoke. No trivial pleasantries, no public diatribes, no cellphone theatrics. Just a few times a month . . . or else the offender is quietly dragged into the back of a soundproof van and shot in the head.


  1. I generally hate speaking to people. There are exceptions, of course, but the usual workaday dialogue is numbing.

  2. That's why I enjoy having everyone in the group I work with up in Canada. We communicate mostly through e-mail and chat, allowing me to sit quietly in my office with the door closed all day.

    And since I'm getting laid off, my duties have been greatly decreased allowing me time to sit around and write. It's bliss.

  3. Jezzie,

    Sounds nice. I hate to sound robotic, but sometimes email is the ideal way to communicate; it's not encumbered with all the "meatspace" ritual.

    Of course, nothing can beat a great one-on-one conversation, but they have a way of being extremely rare. That's one of the reasons why I'm interested in the potential of the Internet.

  4. Have you ever noticed how helpful shop assistants are when you don't want help; but try find one when you want help?
