Saturday, August 05, 2006

Pat Robertson: I'm 'A Convert' On Global Warming, 'It Is Getting Hotter'

Yesterday on the 700 Club, evangelical Pat Robertson declared himself "a convert" on global warming. Robertson said that he has "not been one who believed in global warming in the past." But now, Robertson said, he believes "it is getting hotter and the ice caps are melting and there is a build up of carbon dioxide in the air." Robertson implored, "we really need to do something on fossil fuels."

Interesting development, that.


  1. Wait, is Pat Roberston not an end-times guy, then? I've heard many end-times folks say that it doesn't matter if global warming is true or not, because the End is Nigh.

  2. Pat talks about "doing something" about fossil fuels, which implies that we might have a future. Or at least those not Raptured.

  3. It's the "flames o' hell" Pat's a feelin'

    That ain't no global warming.

  4. This may be a subtle prelude to a switch from the Bush administration on global warming, using Robertson and others like him to get the message to the base first.

    Or maybe PR really has had a change of heart.

    I vote for the former, however.


  5. Paul,

    I see W admin. machinations at work too.

  6. Mac:

    Who knows - maybe they had a private screening of An Inconvenient Truth?


  7. The administration may say it doesn't take climate change seriously, or perpetuates the "insufficient evidence" myth, but the Pentagon sees desertification, etc. as the very real geopolitical threats they are. If the Mideast is a hotbed of violence now, wait a decade.

  8. WMB,

    If the fuckwits start making decisions toward a sustainable future because of Pat I'm not going to argue.

  9. "This may be a subtle prelude to a switch from the Bush administration on global warming, using Robertson and others like him to get the message to the base first."

    This may also be an early indications that an Evangelical Christian political party is emerging, one which is distinct from and independent of the Republicans. It's disturbing to think that not too long in the future our politics may no longer be bi-partisan but tri-partisan -- the new third party being specifically and exclusively defined by religious interests.

    Democracy becomes the instrument and pretext whereby religious fanatics gain positions of power and influence in the higher eschelons of government -- kind of like what's going on in Iraq's fledgling "democracy". The fact that our nation is supposed to be constitutional republic becomes a matter of political lip service with no substantial reality behind it.

    Imagine a government in which religious interests begin to infiltrate the Electoral College: We'd perpetually have people like Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell elected as president.

    It'd be like a version of the Taliban on American soil.
