Saturday, May 12, 2007

Peter Watts brings our attention to this biotech gem:

The Uplift Protein

A prefrontal-cortex protein involved in learning and memory. There's this one variant that's peculiar to us Humans, 45 amino acids longer than the standard model handed out to other primates, and a team of Chinese researchers have just nailed the gene that codes for it. And the really cool part? Utterly ignoring all those some-things-man-was-not-meant-to-know types, they spliced the causal mutation into chimpanzee DNA, which then started to synthesise the type-II variant. No word yet on how far they let that stretch of code iterate. No word on how many months away we are from building chimps with human-scale intelligence.

Hey, you know how DARPA's really into battle robots? What do you want to bet a hyperchimp could outperform even the smartest gun-toting autonomous vehicle?


Anonymous said...

Oh, boy. As if we didn't have enough bizarre shit to worry about. Visions of the Chinese origins of the "Planet of the Apes".

Or, super-monkies armed to the teeth raging across a future Middle-Eastern war zone. How delightful. 8^/

Mac said...

Or, super-monkies armed to the teeth raging across a future Middle-Eastern war zone. How delightful.

Well, *I* thought so. ;-)