Saturday, September 22, 2007

Carnegie Mellon's New Prototype Lunar Rover

Consider this: there are two rovers crawling around the surface of Mars. Isn't it strange that we don't have anything similar on the surface of the Moon. I mean, come on, it's so close.

I've been hearing about up-and-coming lunar rovers since at least 1998. In particular, I remember Radio Shack gearing up as a sponsor for a privately funded rover mission that never happened (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on one's opinion of Radio Shack . . .)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Wow...this is ambition? It's something I guess.

    I am routinely blown away by the lack of any persistent human presence on our nearest satellite. It really doesn't speak well for humanity that we are so tied up in resource wars that we can't afford more lofty goals.

    I picture a future alien race finding a few pittiful relics from humanities brief explorations beyond the nest. These few rare and magical objects our primate brains managed to sqeeze out before we went back to throwing feces at each other.

    Again I say; GET ME OFF THIS ROCK!

