Saturday, September 22, 2007

Examining these massive circular mining sites, I can't help but be reminded of certain exotic formations on Mars.

(Thanks: PAG E-News.)


  1. Wow, dead ringer for some interesting things in the solar system. Thanks Mac.

  2. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Some of those "earth holes" are positively SCARY looking, as though a tornado had taken solid form....

    BTW (as you know) I take it virtually for granted that there was an ancient civilization on Mars. (To my mind, it would have to have been REALLY ancient, like BILLIONS not mere millions of years in the past.) There just too much funny-looking stuff there for ALL of it to be formed "naturally." If there were just SOME funny-looking stuff on Mars, I could maybe see the "natural formation" explanation. But there's literally TONS of things with a suggestive "artificial" look like this....

    --W.M. Bear
