Friday, June 02, 2006

I'm almost finished posting travel photos. Honest!


Paul Kimball said...

Umm... I don't recall seeing her on the trip - and I'm pretty sure I'd remember!!


Mac said...

Oh, she was there. You were off with Zorgrot I think.

Gerald T said...

Hi Mac, just got back from vacation my self.
Traveled to the town at the center of the 19.5 Vortex on Earth.
Have a few photos on the Mars site.

I too sometimes get the thoughts about the previous hotel rooms occupancies, do you think perhaps that we have a hyper sensitivity to the morphic resonance field imprinted by the former occupants of the room?

I can not believe you passed up the opportunity for an interesting science experiment.
It would have been most informative and of much scientific value for mankind if you had gone swimming in that murky hotel pool, and then conducted an analysis of the fungal and bacterial growths that may have cropped up on various parts of your body in the coming weeks.
Not to mention scrutiny of the hardy viruses lurking in that under chlorinated scum pond.

Did you get laid on your vacation?
I didnt.

Mac said...

Hi Gerald,

Can't wait to check out your blog.

Morphic resonance? Hmmm. Maybe. Or maybe jet-lag ;-)

Sorry about shirking my scientific duty and not immersing myself in the pool. If it makes you feel any better, I'm fighting off a really tenacious virus right now.

No luck in the sex department, I'm afraid...but I *still* had a good time!

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