Deadly germs may be more likely to be spread due to a biodefence lab accident than a biological attack by terrorists.
Plague, anthrax, Rocky Mountain spotted fever - these are among the bioweapons some experts fear could be used in a germ warfare attack against the US. But the public has had near-misses with those diseases and others over the past five years, ironically because of accidents in labs that were working to defend against bioterrorists. Even worse, they may be only the tip of an iceberg.
(Via PAG E-News.)
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Plague of bioweapons accidents afflicts the US

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Deadly germs may be more likely to be spread due to a biodefence lab accident than a biological attack by terrorists.
I never doubted this. The anthrax used in the anthrax attacks that followed 9/11 (which everyone seems to have forgotten about but which caused a minor panic at the time) have been shown to be weapons-lab strains. Add this to the fact that they never caught the person responsible, and what does that tell you? It tells ME that the same Sinister Forces within the U.S. government that brought you the anthrax attacks also likely had a hand in 9/11.
--WMB as Anon
The anthrax used in the anthrax attacks that followed 9/11 (which everyone seems to have forgotten about but which caused a minor panic at the time)
*I* haven't forgotten them, but it seems to have become a non-event. And that's frightening on multiple fronts.
Don't try to take a boat sailing over to or near Plum Island, off Brooklyn in New York. Level 5 containment security and facilities are on the island, and there has been some quite interesting speculation about the possible air-borne bacterial and/or viral transmittal from Plum Island to parts of New York where forms of previously unseen lyme disease and West Nile virus infections have occurred. Whoops!
Interesting post. I think these elements should be destroyed because it is a definite threat to humans. However, I cannot stop thinking that there is a person who would keep it to use for his own advantage.
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