Monday, November 27, 2006

Encouraging news regarding the ongoing saga of the Jerk Across the Hall: My apartment manager phoned today to let me know they'd had a chat. Better yet, I'm apparently only one of several who have been annoyed by this guy, so at least it's not just me being hypersensitive and neurotic (and I must concede that I'm probably both).

Anyway, if he keeps it up he's gone. And maybe the message is actually sinking in, because I've enjoyed almost two days of relative quiet.


Ray Palm (Ray X) said...


Hypersensitive and neurotic? Sorry, I disagree. I think you're normal; you'll entitled to some privacy and peace and quiet.

It seems as if you had to be the "leader" on this one, i.e., no one else would say or do anything until one person stepped forward and complained. Another one of life's lessons.

Good to hear that the problem is under control. How goes the work on your book?



Chris said...

I don't think there's anything abnormal about expecting neighbours to respect each other's need for peace and quiet. Sorry, but the jerk's the one with the problem, not you.