The thing about drawing in public: You get occasional weird looks. In this case, though, I think the kid watching was actually interested.

Here's the finished product. I'm not exactly sure why I enjoy drawing variations of the archetypal "Gray" alien, but it probably has to do with their iconic simplicity and anthropomorphosized sense of otherness.

I'm thinking of preparing an online sketch diary to help take the place of my old doodle gallery. Watch this space.
weird stuff, man. Like, what's up with that?
It's just your inner alien doing a little holiday shopping!
Years and years ago when I was a teen and played D&D there were a race in the game that lived way out in space, living off of comet ice.
They looked much like grays. Their name of course were Oortlings.
I got one in my book!
Hopefully I'll have a slew of 'em online pretty soon.
Nice! Should be on a t-shirt, really. I'd wear one. In fact, I know about twelve people that would wear a Posthuman Blues T-shirt bearing that artwork.
It sounds self-indulgent, but PB "branded" merchandise isn't out of the real of possibility. Cafe Press does some interesting manufacture-on-demand stuff.
T-shirts ... Hmmm ...
We could work up a prototype on Holly the next time you and Elizabeth are local... I've got a whole stash of those tacky iron-on t-shirt thingies.
Goodness, there is a great deal of helpful info in this post!
good articel. thankyou!
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