Thursday, November 08, 2007

Nice. But do they come with Wi-Fi?

(Thanks: Geisha Asobi.)


Anonymous said...

And when you emerge afterwards, you can just flutter away....

e said...

A Chrysalis symbolic of our future or a tear drop lamenting the mindless growth of human rapacity?

Mac said...

A Chrysalis symbolic of our future or a tear drop lamenting the mindless growth of human rapacity?


Anonymous said...

Neither? Other? Marketing concept in erstwhile search for a consumer dumb enough to buy into this idea?

Look, if this an emergency shelter, while it looks "cool", it begs the question of, if an emergency arose, would you necessarily be lugging this big sack around with you at the time?

I'd rather stake my survival, under a wider variety of possible realistic emergency contingencies on a down-filled sleeping bag, a good 2-man Himalayan tent, foam mattress pad and a back-pack, thank you.

"The future can be silly." --WX9

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marketing strategies are infite, specially if we are talking about video games world, in this moment is a total war to take down competition, so any trick or move is legal.